Fire management

If you are an employer, owner, landlord, an occupier, or if you have paying guests in a B&B, guesthouse, student accommodation, or self-let or just about anyone else with control of business or commercial premises e.g. a facilities manager, building manager, managing agent or property manager, you will have responsibilities for fire management under the Fire Safety Order

If you don’t know and fully understand those responsibilities, you could be in trouble.

In summary, you must

  • carry out a fire risk assessment of your premises and keep it under review so it remains relevant
  • tell your people or their representatives about any risks that have been identified and how they are controlled.
  • Instigate and maintain, appropriate fire safety measures (including great fire doors!)
  • Have a workable plan for an emergency involving fire
  • provide your people with sufficient information, fire safety instruction and training appropriate to your business,
  • Happily, we have experience in helping organiations of all shapes and sizes comply with all of the above. Whatever you need,  – we have it covered, you just need to ask.

Fire risk assessment

Completion of a fire risk assessment by a competent persons is an absolute requirement for anyone with non-domestic premises, for the avoidance of doubt, that covers:

  • all workplaces and commercial premises – from abattoirs to zoos
  • all premises to which the public have access – from aquariums to err…zoos again (but you get the idea)
  • the common areas of multi-occupied residential buildings

We are experienced in undertaking fire risk assessment in all these settings and advising clients on the arrangements that must be in place to help avoid fire in the first place (the priority) and what needs to be in place to detect or extinguish a fire should the worst happen.


Fire door surveys

Put simply, if you have fire doors in your premises, they need to be maintained and inspected regularly (British Standards recommend 6 monthly). Neglecting this important aspect of fire safety can lead to very dangerous conditions, after all fire doors are there for a reason and are potential life savers, but ONLY if in the right condition and fully operational.  We specialise in undertaking these inspections – and if required we can help put the results of the inspections into context with your fire risk assessor (or of course we can undertake your fire risk assessment at the same time if required). We undertake both rolling programmes, or, “one off” inspections for clients.